The most accurate Aquatic plant fertilizers
Chemicals & Dosing
The elements plants need are available as safe chemicals that are simple salts, called fertilizers. They are in essence dissolved natural rocks similar to mineral water drinks. These fertilizer chemicals have been produced and used by agriculture and horticulture industries to grow plants for decades. The aquarium fertilizers are not different for the reason that almost all are made of the same chemicals. The only difference is in the application technique.
What chemicals do I need to order?
K2SO4 Potassium sulfate
KNO3 Potassium nitrate
KH2PO4 Monopotassium phosphate
MgSO4 Magnesium sulfate
CaSO4 Calcium sulfate (optional)
TE Trace Element Mix, Plant-Prod Chelated Micronutrient Mix (2% Mn, 7% Fe, 0.4% Zn, 0.1% Cu, 1.3% B, 0.06% Mo) or CSM+B Plantex
Where can I get the chemicals from?
There are many options where to get the chemicals. part of Six-Pack Nutrient Line, #2 to #6 in Canada large quantities only
MgSO4 is also available as Epsom salt in Drug Stores, Walmart and Pharmacies as bath salt.
Trace Element Mix can be substituted by any local fish store good Trace Element product containing the same elements. (2% Mn, 7% Fe, 0.4% Zn, 0.1% Cu, 1.3% B, 0.06% Mo)
How long will dry chemicals last?
There is no expiry date on dry chemicals. As long as they are kept dry in sealed bags they are ok.
Can I mix chemicals together?
Not recommended unless specified by Solutions Recipes.
How often do I dose?
Both, PPS-Classic and PPS-Pro are designed to be dosed daily at the same time. Just like feeding fish, feeding plants.
When do I dose?
The best time to dose is anytime before lights go on so the nutrients are available for photosynthesis. Daily dosing before lighting period starts, helps maintaining better balance, higher plant uptake and healthier plants.
Can I dose Macro and Micro at the same time?
Simply dose both at the same time into moving water.
How much do I need to dose?
For PPS-Pro see text below.
For PPS-Classic dose is variable depending on PPS-Classic Dosing Calculator results.
What’s the difference between PPS-Classic and PPS-Pro?
Both systems can support lighter planted, heavily planted, low light and high light conditions.
PPS-Classic dosing quantity is determined by the PPS-Classic Calculator. The calculator needs to know a dosing period (one or more weeks or months), NO3 and PO4 water column levels at the period start and the period end. Then the calculator result gives the next dosage quantities needed to reach the chosen target levels. Additional benefit is the output statistics like, Present daily dosage in ppm, Present daily plant uptake in ppm and Next recommended daily dosage in ppm. It is a highly flexible system with analysis that can maintain any water column levels.
PPS-Pro is a simplified version taking into account most common planted aquariums. It works well when common sense conditions are met. Expected is a heavily planted aquarium with reasonable fish load. An aquarium with one Cryptocoryne and a Goldfish will not work smoothly. Also, daily dosing before lighting period starts, helps maintaining better balance, higher plant uptake and healthier plants. For lower light aquariums use half the recommended dose, for medium light use recommended dose, for very high light use double the recommended dose. Although some monitoring of NO3 levels from time to time helps to determine better dosing quantity. This system can maintain very low, medium or very high water column nutrient levels as desired.
How do I start PPS-Pro?
We all know new setups are challenging. Plants need time to adapt to new conditions.
To begin, aquarium water can start at any nutrient levels. Then we start dosing daily PPS-Pro solution #1 (Macros) at 1 ml per 10 gallon or 40 L and PPS-Pro #2 (Trace elements) at 2 drops per 10 gallon or 40 L. (Daily dose of 1 ppm NO3, 0.1 ppm PO4, 1.33 ppm K, 0.1 ppm Mg, 0.01 ppm Fe(TE))
During this time and in to the future we need to switch from test kits to conductivity readings. This is easier, cheaper, faster and more accurate to overall living condition. Everything in an aquarium, alive or not, has some relationship to conductivity. TDS-tester
The way it is done is to maintain consistent levels of pollutants, like fertilizers, substrate leaks, fish waste, decoration leaks and other with water changes. Some setups involve large water changes at times, and some more balanced, not so much. That?s the beauty. Plants and fish love consistency.
For example, when your tap is 300 ?S, one PPS-Pro daily fertilizer dose is 6?S. This one dose is 1 ppm of NO3. So to limit the NO3 to theoretical 15 ppm we need to make sure the conductivity reading is kept under (6 x 15) + 300 = 390 ?S with water changes.
If you feel like needing more fertilizer then there is no problem to dose more ml of the PPS-Pro solutions. The conductivity reading will take care of it and balance it out.
(1 ml = 20 drops)
What is the PPS-Pro conductivity TDS target range?
Water change IF ( aquarium ?S ) > ( tap + 100?S )
Tap 300 ?S + PPS-Pro 100 ?S = 400 ?S
If ( aquarium ?S ) > 400 then water change
How to do PPS-Pro with water changes?
Easy, no worry approach. Dose PPS-Pro Solution #1 and PPS-Pro Solution #2 at the same time daily for a week, then 50% water change.
Low light
PPS-Pro Solution #1, 0.5ml or 10 drops per 10 gallon or 40 L
PPS-Pro Solution #2, 1 drop per 10 gallon or 40 L
Water change 50% once a week
This limits water column nutrient levels to 7 ppm NO3, 0.7 ppm PO4, 9 ppm K, 0.7 ppm Mg, 0.07 ppm Fe(TE).
Medium light
PPS-Pro Solution #1, 1ml per 10 gallon or 40 L
PPS-Pro Solution #2, 2 drops per 10 gallon or 40 L
Water change 50% once a week
This limits water column nutrient levels to 14 ppm NO3, 1.4 ppm PO4, 18 ppm K, 1.4 ppm Mg, 0.14 ppm Fe(TE).
High light
PPS-Pro Solution #1, 2ml per 10 gallon or 40 L
PPS-Pro Solution #2, 4 drops per 10 gallon or 40 L
Water change 50% once a week
This limits water column nutrient levels to 28 ppm NO3, 2.8 ppm PO4, 36 ppm K, 2.8 ppm Mg, 0.28 ppm Fe(TE).
(1 ml = 20 drops)
What if I cannot get KNO3 to make PPS-Pro #1 macros solution?
Some countries restrict KNO3 availability. You can still make the original PPS-Pro solution #1 macros without KNO3 and make additional solution #1 macros KNO3 substitute with Ca(NO3)2.
PPS-Pro #1 macros KNO3 substitute, 1 ppm NO3, 0.63 ppm K, 0.32 ppm Ca
Daily dose 1ml per 10 gallon or 40L, 53% solubility
500 ml
28 g K2SO4
38 g Ca(NO3)2.4(H2O)
Dose with PPS-Pro #1 macros without KNO3 at the same time and the same quantity.
What is the difference between Plant-Prod Chelated Micronutrient Mix and Plantex NutriTrace CSM+B?
Plant-Prod Chelated Micronutrient Mix is almost the same as Plantex NutriTrace CSM+B. The difference is in chelating.
Plant-Prod Chelated Micronutrient Mix
EDTA (Ethylene diamine tetraacetate) 42%, (5% Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu)
DTPA (Diethylene triamine pentaacetate) 14%, (2% Fe)
Plantex NutriTrace CSM
EDTA (chelating agent) 65.4%, (7% Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu)
is added by resellers.
Can I have zero nutrient levels?
Zero nutrient levels should not occur.
Chemical Tables
For reference only.

Edward PPS? Copyright ?2004 – 2009